
Guardians and Alarms

Kanga's African Chickens

Kangas is a form of wildchicken, that occurres only on the african continent. Kangas are living in families troops up to approx 100 animals . Their main food is all kind of seeds but also little insects and animals! Kangas are good protectors of ur home. Liket he american Army uses gooses to give alarm, if something wants to enter their terrertory, also kangas are getting loud. So keep in mind, that kanags are not very neighbourfriendly. Kangas can feeded with the same feed like normal chicken. To hatch Kangas is more difficult than normal chicken! Thats one reason, why Kangas are much more expensive than normal chickens are.

Kangs offers you a few very important characteristics, why it is a good idea to work with kangas! And, where Kangas are living, no mice or rats wants to live! The Kanga Eggs are know for higher nutrients than normal chicken Eggs. Also they are low in cholesterol, why this Eggs are very popular for

patients with cholesterol diseases

But not enough: Kanga Meat is a very high quality poultrymeat and especially in the french cuisine knows as an delicacy bcs of very aromatic and soft taste and it is also rich on Minerals and B-Vitamins.

Interested in elevating your chicken farm experience? Reach out to us and let's make it happen!

Wild Chickens

Unique Traits and Benefits of Kangas

Kangas, wild African chickens, are diligent protectors and provide nutrient-rich eggs and meat.

Superior Eggs and Meat

Health and Culinary Benefits

Kangas provide several significant benefits for both health and culinary use. Their eggs are known for higher nutrient content and lower cholesterol than those of regular chickens, making them especially popular among individuals managing cholesterol levels. Moreover, Kanga meat is highly regarded in the culinary world, particularly in French cuisine, for its aromatic and tender texture. This meat is also rich in essential minerals and B-vitamins, contributing to its status as a delicacy. In addition to their nutritional benefits, Kangas serve as excellent protectors and pest controllers, making them a valuable addition to any home or farm.